In 6 volumes, with around 4000 pages and 3000 total notes, this is the first complete translation of Sahih Muslim in Italian, comprising all of its Hadiths, arranged in its 54 books. The book has a detailed commentary on Hadiths, with an introduction to the Hadith studies in each volume, along with notes challenging the negative projections of the Hadith by the Orientalists. The work has also Quranic and other references. The Sahih Muslim of Imam Muslim ibn Hajjaj Al-Qushayrī is universally considered by majority of the Muslim scholars as one of the most authentic collections of the sayings of the Prophet (pbuh) after Imam Muhammad Ismail Bukhari's Sahih Al-Bukhari. Sahih Muslim is a treasure of history for anyone interested in studying the way of life and even the life history of the Prophet (pbuh). With 54 books, containing 3033 Hadiths, without counting the repeated Hadiths, it vividly illustrates the Prophet's life, his sayings about a wide range of issues such as faith (Iman), rules and recommendations related to human interactions and various other Islamic rules, thus covering almost all aspects of a Muslim's life.
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